Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Have You Been To The Farmers Market Lately?

 I was forced into a few days of "singledom" this past weekend and was looking to fill some time.  I flipped through my latest issue of Orange Coast Magazine and discovered they were talking about Farmers' markets in Orange County, CA!  What better way to fill my time than looking at some beautiful flowers and produce!
Farmers Market at the Great Park
When was the last time you have been to one?  It's been a while for me, especially since my nearby grocery stores have such amazing offerings of organic produce.  Boy have they changed...I could have spent all day browsing the stalls.  I mean there are, of course, the usual farmers hawking.  The usual freshest produce was there, but there was also jewelry designers, soap makers, artists, fish vendors, and even hot air balloons!
Hot Air Balloon Rides in Orange County

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Etsy Love

It's  been a really really dull and rainy week so far.  Who am I kidding it has been an enormously rainy summer in Georgia!  Which got me surfing all over the web in between playing rounds of Thomas the Train and "I'm gonna get you!" with the baby. 
So you know how it goes, I am searching for a baby gift on Etsy for a friend and one thing leads to another and 5 hours pass! However, I did find some crazy cool things on Etsy, and maybe even a gift. This is what I am wanting or just down right curious about now!

Monday, August 19, 2013

Oops....Beauty mistakes you don't even know you are making!

I am a magazine whore, I get about 10 different beauty and fashion magazines a month and of course my usual gossip rags every week.  

I am constantly studying each article and could probably get a Bachelor's degree in beauty product knowledge.  I have a bathroom full of products so full, I could open my own beauty supply store for my neighborhood.
I found myself at a girls lunch recently and was astonished at the lack of what I would call some basic beauty knowledge.  I mean come on ladies...what are you doing?  

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Make It! Fried Green Tomatoes Part II

 So yesterday we shared an amazing lower calorie recipe for Jalapeño-Pimiento Cheese.  These can certainly be enjoyed with the standard tortilla chip, but why not WOW your family, or yourself and serve it with Fried Green Tomatoes!!
I know what you will say..."Its so hard and there are many steps.  The breading is messy and it will take so long!".....STOP THERE.  This could not be easier or quicker. 

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Make It! Jalapeno-Pimiento Cheese Part I

Where has this been all my life. I have asked people...several people in fact and everyone seems to know about this. I thought it was a Southern thing, but even people back home in Chicago have heard of it!  Alas, I have found the most perfect food......PIMIENTO CHEESE!  
Homemade low calorie pimento cheese
Now there are many, many different kinds of pimiento cheese.  Some creamy, some chunky, some hot, some not.  The basic recipe is the same, but not all pimiento cheese stands the test. (for me at least)
Oh how we love some heat...look at these beauties

Monday, August 12, 2013

Summers Gone Baby Gone!

Whose to say Spring is for new beginnings! Fall is a time to relax from the roller coaster of summer.  Summer to me is stressful.  Have I done everything I wanted with the kids? Did I make meaningful memories? Have we swam enough, got bitten by mosquitoes enough, did we savor the late nights and embrace spending time with family and friends that don't live so close?....
I have no idea, but I am exhausted.
Today was the first day of school here in Georgia.  I can tell you that the silence was deafening in my house, and the baby took an absurdly long nap.